Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Arms



Sundays @ 10:00am


Sunday Mornings

Every Sunday morning we gather to worship together. It's the thing that inspires us and propels us towards all the other things that we do. For us, worship is intimate and inclusive. It's celebratory and it continually works to expand us into better followers of Jesus.

We're all normal people, just like you. We live busy lives, but every Sunday we come together for a time. We slow down and search together for something much deeper than words. We gather to encounter God, to find belonging, to nurture our spirits, and to grow together as Jesus' followers.


Worship: 10:00am


114 E. Swedesford Road
Exton, PA 19341




On the second Saturday of every month, a group of Tamil Christians from South India, Sri Lanka, and Singapore gather to worship God together in our sanctuary. This new ministry began as a response to the rapid growth of the Asian population in Chester County. Between the year 2000 and 2010, the Asian population in Chester County grew by 127%. Many of these new residents come from Christian families and needed a place to worship.

Exton Community Baptist Church saw this need and responded by starting a special ministry that allows Tamil Christians to worship God together in their own language. For Exton's older residents, it has been wonderful opportunity of mission. ECBC has always been an interracial church, so it was natural for us to open our doors for a new and inclusive type of ministry. To learn more, please contact our Tamil Pastor by clicking on the button to your right.


Every Sunday at 5:00pm

(To Be Resumed- Please Stay in Touch for Updates)


114 E. Swedesford Road
Exton, PA 19341



Music has always been a large part of the worship experience here at ECBC. Every time we gather, we make time to honor God through the gifts that we are given. For many of us, that means music. 

Our Minister of Music leads our congregation with his talents on the piano, organ, and guitar. However, we don't just listen to the music here. We participate in the experience. Our choir often leads us when we sing hymns and our Bell Choir often serenades us with compositions that move the soul. If you're looking for an opportunity to use your musical gifts, or are just looking for an enriching worship experience, we encourage you visit and speak with our Minister of Music.



For thousands of years Christians have come together at the end of the day for evening prayer which is known as vespers. The practice of praying at different times of the day was carried into Christianity from its Jewish roots. In Acts 3:1 the Apostle Peter and John visit the Temple for Afternoon Prayers. This practice is also mentioned in the Old Testament. In Psalm 119:164 we hear the psalmist say, "Seven times a day I praise you for your righteous ordinances."

Evening prayer is meant to be a contemplative time that emphasizes spiritual peace. Exton Community Baptist Church, hosts vespers services every Fall, Winter, and Spring. For us, compline is a wonderful opportunity to explore the ways we can enhance the worship experience through the arts. Unlike more formal traditions, we don't follow a strict pattern. Sometimes, we'll pray together and then move into a liturgical coloring project while listening to jazz. The point is never tradition, it's always worship.


Friday Nights at 6:30pm


Frequently Asked Questions

how will I know which door to enter?

From the parking lot go up the walkway and at the top enter at the double doors. You may notice a sign along the way with an arrow pointing to the entrance. A greeter should welcome you promptly and give you a bulletin for the service. (The outdoor steps lead to Exton Preschool)

How Should I dress?

Most of our congregation dresses casually, so wear what makes you feel comfortable.  Our service is not formal.


Do you ask people for money?

While we do take an offering, visitors are not expected to make a donation. We're just happy that you decided to join us.

what kind of music do you use?

We use a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary praise songs. If you come during a holiday season, you should expect to hear familiar, yet traditional, tunes. Likewise, if you visit during a normal time of year you'll likely hear a traditional hymn along with two more contemporary songs.

what about children?

We do not have active nursery care at the moment. However, we do have activity bags for children at the back of the sanctuary. Children usually take a bag, along with a children's bulletin that they can color in, to a seat next to their parents. After the Children's Sermon, many children join a table at the back of the sanctuary to work on a lesson related to the sermon.
